2023 has been a shift.

I moved countries. Spending the last ten years of my life in Munich, Germany, I find myself now in Los Angeles. I always thought Munich and the countryside around it, is where my heart belongs. But then surprisingly my heart took me to L.A.

If it belongs here? Well, we will see, but it definitely belongs to the man I moved here with.

Many many many years back, my mom gave me a wooden sign that says ‘follow your heart’, which became my personal motto and I’ve been practicing this for quiet some time now.

As an attorney turned entrepreneur, speaker, moderator, yoga teacher and dedicated ‘Lover of Life’ I have diverse backgrounds with one goal: to inspire you to live your life. And by that I mean to take an active part in your life, make decisions, practice awareness, involve yourself in society with all the aspects and  tremendous impact. Experience what it means to be human but also connect to your source. Go far beyond cultural boundaries. Be smart, but also know what connects us all.

but don’t deny when challenging things are happening. You don’t have to be grateful for everything. But you have to activate the positive current. Use your skillset to get out of it. I got my wake up call in 2014. I was 29 and developed an eating disorder. Yes that’s late. But it had reasons that where much older. And the search for healing was a big pivot in my life. It started my journey to myself, to build my skillset & tap into the flow of the magic of the universe.

Expect Magic in everything …

Starting my career as an attorney for trademark- and copyright law as well as dataprotection, I decided after ten years to leave the corporate world and try out what it would feel like to be an entrepreneur. I’m not sure I expected as many feelings as it brought with it but my path has definetley tought me that life is a journey – in, out & within.

My passion in life is to become my most vibrant self and learning new things. Through this I absolutely LOVE to inspire you, connect people by interviewing them, hosting events, writing and spreading some joy.

I believe

we all matter and that choosing love over fear is the best fun ever! I believe in miracles and I believe in kindness towards whoever is in front of me – and towards myself. I believe in education, cultural understanding, that life is a journey & we’re meant to grow every day.

I’m not about

sweeping things under the rug (I’m pretty straight forward), not taking responsibility for my actions, being to perfectionistic (I had to learn that big times and still am)

You can find me

On a hike, my favorite coffee places, writing, interviewing, speaking, dancing & singing (badly), having a chat with my girlfriends or smooching my husband.

Daily rituals

My morning is holy, meditation and visualization, morning cuddles and gratitude, yoga, beach walks, nourishing food and sunshine.

Me as

Me as a Longevity life design mentor & coach

Most important is joy and not so much seriousity. Caring for a healthy mind and body has become my purpose and passion. I inspire and guide you on that path, which is a journey to the self. I make it about you, I work highly efficient but not with a quick fix pill. Longevity is a long term game that makes our lives already so much better today. With more energy, strength, lifeforce and inner peace we connect much better to our needs and those of the ones around us. Because if we care for ourselves in a healthy way, we cannot not care for the ones around us. It is my wish for you, that you can extend your healthspan to the max and embrace your life.

Me as a moderator & speaker

As my last employment contained a lot of hosting legal discussions, interviews, press conferences etc. the joy I felt doing this led me to several trainings of moderating, speaking and presenting. Over the last ten years I have worked much for politics and legal institutions but also lifestyle events, tech companies, festivals and travel.

Me as a lawyer

from being an attorney for trademark law, copyright law and dataprotection, I transitioned to being the head of division for Law, Constitution and European Integration in a political foundation, to now being an entrepreneur supporting other entrepreneurs to build their business legally protected (only in Germany).